0105809 Material: 2 chestnuts, acorns 2 skewers, fruit Symphoricarpos albus, white snowberry, fruits Thistle general (Carduus acanthoides), pin, knife, drill. Procedure: Drill a hole in both chestnuts and join the head and body using skewers. Attach the general thistle fruits (Carduus acanthoides) with pins in the head like a mane. Stick to the head - chestnut plastic eyes. Attach the fetus Symphoricarpos albus, white snowberry Use a pin to the head - chestnut like nose. Drill 2x 2 holes in the body - a chestnut from the side. Halve acorns with a knife. Attach the acorn halves into the body - chestnut using skewers like feet. Attach the fetus general Thistle (Carduus acanthoides) using a stick in the body - such as chestnut tail.Show all

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